Monday, June 29, 2009

Delton lanes baby!

Every June the Orr family, that is my mother in laws family, host a family reunion at the family bowling alley in West Valley called Delton lanes. The name Delton is a combo of my mother in laws parents names; Milton and Delta. We used to have this reunion at a park every year until my BIL Justin suggested to one of his uncles, who now own a manage the bowling alley, that we should have it there and the rest is history! The most amazing part about these reunions is watching some really incredible bowling from this family! My MIL is amazing since she grew up bowling every day after school as a little girl with all of her siblings. It is like nothing for these people to bowl into the mid to high 200's!  Such a fun family gathering, they have cash raffle's and endless drinks and pizza, seriously the coolest reunion around :)!
I am terrible at bowling so I won't even acknowledge my score but my kids love, love, love this reunion and being with all of their extended cousins.

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