Monday, October 27, 2008

Well, that's a first

So I'm at Walmart yesterday doing a little grocery shopping and I find myself at the dairy case looking for whipping cream when a kind elderly gentleman asks me if I'd like to sample the soymilk he is handing out. I try some and even decide to grab the last 1/2 gallon on the shelf. As I 'm thanking him for the sample he starts to compliment me on how I was sure a "cute little thing" and I couldn't be more than 16. I just laugh and tell him thanks and start to walk off when he says he knows that I must be older than 16, I tell him that indeed I am and he then asks if I'm married. I tell him that I am married and he kind of hangs his head and says "awww". So I just laugh and say  "you must have had someone in mind huh?" I'm thinking a grandson or great grandson....
But he then tells me that his wife had just passed away and that he is too old for the young girls and too young for the old gals. It took a second before I realized that he was about to ask me out! He starts telling me that he is 83 years old and begins pulling out photos of his great grandson. All I could feel for this poor old man was sympathy. I can't imagine feeling young but knowing that you aren't and being lonely at the same time and unsure how many more years you will live alone (5,20?). I hope this sweet man finds him self a vibrant soul to share the rest of his life with but I think I would advise him from hitting on anyone under the age of 50.  


Michelle Smith Isom said...

Awwhhh, that is sweet and sad all at the same time.

Kris Tina said...

You know - this almost makes you sound like a cougar - in the opposite case, of course.

Karen said...

First of all let me tell you how happy I am to hear that you picked up some soy milk :)

Second of all--I'm not surprised at all that the sweet old man wanted to marry you, you're gorgeous!

magleby4 said...

You are way too nice. I think I would have ran after the comment of being a "cute little thing". But I do feel sad for him I have a learned a lesson from you not run but listen to them and look at there pictures because they are just lonely.